DSCL Series
Industrial Loop Isolators and Transmitters
Dataforth's DSCL series of isolators, along with the DSCP and SCTP product lines, provides a complete family of loop and universal AC/DC powered isolator and transmitter models in component, DIN rail, panel, and head-mount packages.
- Basic loop powered isolators
- Wide-range AC/DC powered isolators and transmitters
- Fixed-gain models
- Hardware and software configurable models
They protect valuable measurement and control signals as well as connected equipment from noise, transient power surges, internal ground loops, and other hazards present in industrial environments.


Product Availability
Usually stock to 2-3 weeks
- Full Family of Loop Isolators and Transmitters
- Signal Powered Passive Loop Isolator Models
- Wide Range 24 to 60V or 85 to 230V AC/DC Powered Models
- Jumper and Software Configurable Models
- 6.2mm Dip-switch Configurable Models
- 4000Vrms Isolation
- PCB, DIN Rail, Panel Mount, or Instrument Head Mounting
- Multiple Channels per Package Available
- No Recalibration or Maintenance Required
- Fault Detection of Input Signal Available
- CE Compliant
- Manufactured per RoHS Directive (EU) 2015/863 (RoHS 3)
Products and Ordering
Due to resource constraints on my computer, I'm unable to open the three dimensional CAD models provided on your website. Does Dataforth provide two demensional CAD models for download as well?
Two dimensional CAD models can be generated upon customer request. Please contact Customer Service for assistance.
How does the load resistance of a module affect the noise at the output?
Noise at the output of a module is independent of load resistance.
Can Dataforth provide calibration reports for modules I purchased?
Yes we can provide calibration reports for the modules that you purchased.
You can either
a) visit https://www.dataforth.com/TestDataReport.aspx to search for Test Report Datasheets by Serial Number or
b) you can send us a list of model numbers and their serial numbers to support@dataforth.com
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