
8B Potentiometer Input Modules

8B Potentiometer Input Modules

Product Availability:
  • Usually stock to 2-3 weeks.


8B modules are an optimal solution for monitoring real-world process signals and providing high-level signals to a data acquisition system. Each 8B36 input module isolates, filters, and amplifies a single channel of potentiometer input and provides an analog voltage output.

Excitation for the potentiometer is provided by using two matched current sources. When using a 3-wire connection, this method allows equal currents to flow through the sensor leads, canceling the effects of lead resistances.The excitation currents are small (equal to or less than 0.25mA) which minimizes self-heating of the potentiometer.

Signal filtering is accomplished with a 3-pole filter optimized for time and frequency response which provides 70dB of normal-mode rejection at 60Hz. One pole of this filter is on the field side of the isolation barrier for anti-aliasing, and the other two are on the system side.

A special input circuit on the 8B36 module provides protection against accidental connection of power-line voltages up to 240VAC. Clamp circuits on the I/O and power terminals protect against harmful transients.

The modules are designed for installation in Class I, Division 2 hazardous locations and have a high level of immunity to environmental noise.


  • Interfaces to Potentiometers up to 10,000Ω
  • High-Level Voltage Output
  • 1500Vrms Isolation
  • ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1 Transient Protection
  • Input Protection to 240VAC Continuous
  • 120dB CMR
  • 70dB NMR at 60Hz
  • ±0.05% Accuracy
  • ±0.02% Linearity
  • Low Drift with Ambient Temperature
  • CE Compliant
  • C-UL-US Listed
  • ATEX Compliance Pending
  • Mix and Match Module Types on Backpanel

Block Diagram


  • Input Range 0 to 10000 Ohms
  • Output Range 0 to +5 V
  • Mechanical Format Modular plug-in-board
  • Isolation Voltage 1500 Vrms
  • Isolation Type Transformer/Optical
  • Accuracy ±0.05% Span
  • Supply Voltage +5Vdc ±5%
  • Input Voltage Withstand 240VAC
  • Gain/Offset Adjust
  • Module Bandwidth 3 Hz
  • NMR (60 Hz) Rejection 70dB at 60Hz
  • External I-to-V Resistor
  • Output Control
  • Output Resistance
  • Dimensions 1.11 x 1.65 x 0.40 inches
  • Interface 7 pin
  • Customization yes
  • Weight 15 grams (0.53 ounces)


8B DIN Rail Carrier, 5VDC, No CJC View
8B DIN Rail Carrier, 7 to 34VDC, No CJC View
8B DIN Rail Carrier, 5VDC, CJC View
8B DIN Rail Carrier, 7 to 34VDC, CJC View
Standard 2-channel backpanel View
2-channel backpanel without cold junction compensation sensor View
2-channel backpanel with DIN rail mounting option View
2-channel backpanel w/o cold junction compensation sensor, with DIN rail mounting option View
Standard 4-channel backpanel View
4-channel backpanel without cold junction compensation sensor View
4-channel backpanel with DIN rail mounting option View
4-channel backpanel w/o cold junction compensation sensor, with DIN rail mounting option View
Standard 8-channel backpanel View
8-channel backpanel without cold junction compensation sensor View
8-channel backpanel with DIN rail mounting option View
8-channel backpanel w/o cold junction compensation sensor, with DIN rail mounting option View
Standard 16-channel backpanel View
16-channel backpanel without cold junction compensation sensor View
16-channel backpanel with DIN rail mounting option View
16-channel backpanel w/o cold junction compensation sensor, with DIN rail mounting option View
8B Breadboard Kit View
8B Pass-Through Module View
Power Supply Module View
Cold Junction Compensation Sensor View
DB25 to screw terminal interface board View
DB25 to screw terminal interface board for DIN rail View
Power supply, 5A, 5VDC, 85 to 264VAC Universal, DIN mount, Switching power supply View
System interface cable for backpanels, 1 meter length View
System interface cable for backpanels, 2 meter length View
Third Party DAQ Front-Ending Adapter for Dataforth Backpanels View
Third Party DAQ Front-Ending Adapter for Dataforth Backpanels View
Third Party DAQ Front-Ending Adapter for Dataforth Backpanels View
Third Party DAQ Front-Ending Adapter for Dataforth Backpanels View
Third Party DAQ Front-Ending Adapter for Dataforth Backpanels View
Third Party DAQ Front-Ending Adapter for Dataforth Backpanels View
Power supply, 3A, 5VDC, 220VAC European View
Power supply, 3A, 5VDC, 120VAC U.S. View
DIN EN 50022-35 x 7.5 (slotted steel), 1 meter length View
DIN EN 50022-35 x 7.5 (slotted steel), 2 meter length View
DIN EN 50035-G32 (slotted steel), 1 meter length View
DIN EN 50035-G32 (slotted steel), 2 meter length View
DIN EN 50022-35 x 15 (slotted steel), 1 meter length View
DIN EN 50022-35 x 15 (slotted steel), 2 meter length View
19 inch metal rack for mounting analog backpanels View

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The information available through this competitive cross reference guide are based upon product catalog information obtained from a variety of sources. The competitive cross reference information is being provided to you free of charge for your use. While Dataforth Corp has used reasonable efforts to ensure data accuracy, Dataforth Corp does not guarantee that it is error-free, nor does Dataforth Corp make any other representation, warranty or guarantee that the information is accurate, correct, reliable or up-to-date. Dataforth Corp expressly disclaims all implied warranties regarding this information, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

This information is provided only as a convenience on an "as is" basis and Dataforth Corp. or its representatives or distributors are not responsible for any incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete information. You are solely responsible for (1) selecting the appropriate Dataforth products for your application, (2) designing, validating and testing your application, and (3) ensuring your application meets applicable standards, and any other safety, security, or other requirements.


Can Dataforth analog modules be used in high vibration environments? If so, what type of testing or certification was completed?
SCM5B, SCM7B, 8B SensorLex, and DSCA modules are well suited for use in high vibration environments. These modules and their associated accessories have undergone testing for random vibration, shock, and swept sine wave vibration. Details of each of these testing methods are provided below: Random Vibration (Operating): ○ MIL-STD 202G, Method 214A, Condition 1 - Frequency Range: 50-2000Hz, flat spectrum - Vibration Intensity: 7.56 Grms - Duration: 10min/axis (X, Y, Z) Shock (Operating): ○ MIL-STD-810F, Method 516.5 - Pulse Shape: Sawtooth - Test Level: 30G - Duration 11ms - Orientation: +/-X, +/-Y, +/-Z Swept Sine Vibration (Operating) ○ MIL-STD-810G, Method 514.6, modified - Frequency Range: 10-2000Hz - Vibration Intensity: 5Gp-p - Sweep Rate: 1 octave/min - Orientation: X, Y, Z Declaration of conformity for the above-listed tests can be provided upon customer request. Please contact customer service if a copy of the declaration is needed.
Due to resource constraints on my computer, I'm unable to open the three dimensional CAD models provided on your website. Does Dataforth provide two demensional CAD models for download as well?
Two dimensional CAD models can be generated upon customer request. Please contact Customer Service for assistance.
What does it mean when an input module has for example a 3kHz bandwidth?
A 3kHz bandwidth on an input module means it can accept voltages from DC to 3000Hz. Any frequency higher than that and the signal will start to be attenuated by the filter at the input.
Does the 8B series backplanes identify the module slots on the PWB via silkscreen or other methods? Does it also mark the terminal blocks +/- inputs?
The 8B backpanels identify the module slots and their associated terminal block with silkscreen text (this includes the +/- inputs). The text is descriptive and matches up with the diagrams in our datasheets.
Can SCM5B modules be hot swapped?
Not just SCM5B modules, but any signal conditioning module series and MAQ20 I/O modules can be hot swapped. A minimal amount of signal settling time may result, but there will be no damage to the device.
What does "Response time, 90% span" mean on the datasheet for my module?
Normally, a response time figure refers to how quickly a module's output can "respond" to a change in the input signal. "Response time, 90% span" refers to how fast a module can adjust its output when a step signal is applied at the input, where the magnitude of this step input is 90% of the input span of the module.
Why is the CJC enable jumper required for 8B36 if -EXC is not connected?
The CJC jumper is actually not required for the 8B36. In this case it is a “don’t care.” Some modules require it to be removed, but for the ones that don’t it is easier to just have it remain installed.
Where can I find the MTBF of my module?
Information on MTBF for SCM5B, SCM7B, 8B and DSCA is available on our website. Please see application note AN802 for more details. Application notes can be found under the "Literature" tab on the top navigation bar.
Is the calibration of Dataforth modules traceable to NIST standards?
Yes, calibration of Dataforth modules is traceable to NIST standards.
Why do only a few 8B modules have a +/-5V output?
Some 8B modules (such as 8B34 and 8B47) cannot have bipolar output due to limitations in the internal linearization circuitry.
If I purchase a backplane with no CJC, will I still be able to use modules that require the CJC enable jumper to be installed?
Yes. Backplanes with no CJC will still come with the CJC enable installed on the backplane.
If I don’t have an 8BPWR-2, can I use a +5VDC power supply to power my 8B backplane?
Yes, you can. The 8BPWR-2 is not required to power the 8B backplanes, it is used in situations where you don't have a +5VDC power supply and need to regulate the voltage of whatever current power supply you are using down to +5VDC so that it can be used for the 8B backplane. Please make sure when choosing your +5VDC power supply that the current rating of the supply is acceptable for the total current draw of your system.
Can I power multiple 8B backplanes off of a single power supply?
You can use a single 5V power supply to power multiple backplanes, but you need to be aware of the current rating of your power supply and the current draw of your 8B modules. The current rating of your power supply needs to be greater than the total current draw of all the modules in your system (ideally 1.5x the total current draw). You can check the current draw of various 8B modules by checking their datasheets.
What is the correct backpanel for my 8B38 module?
Any of the backpanels in the 8B series will work for the 8B38 module. In fact, any of the 8B modules can be mounted to any of the 8B backpanels.
How does the load resistance of a module affect the noise at the output?
Noise at the output of a module is independent of load resistance.
How do I convert an RMS voltage to its corresponding peak voltage?
To convert an RMS voltage to its corresponding peak voltage, you simply take the RMS voltage value and multiply it by the square root of 2, or roughly 1.414. For example, 1500Vrms corresponds to a peak voltage of 1500 * 1.414 = 2121 Vp
If the input range of my signal conditioner is -1V to +1V and the output range is 0 to 10V, does this mean that it ignores polarity?
A signal conditioner with these I/O ranges does not mean that the module ignores the polarity of your voltage input. The output of voltage input modules are scaled linearly, meaning an input of -1V would correspond to an output of 0V, an input of 0V would correspond to an output of 5V, an input of +1V would correspond to an output of 10V, and so on.
What is the recommended power supply for Dataforth SCM5B and 8B modules?
The recommended power supply for the Dataforth SCM5B and 8B modules are the linear power supplies in our SCMXPRT/SCMXPRE series. The SCMXPRT/SCMXPRE power supplies output 5V and have options for 1A output current (SCMXPRT-001) or 3A output current (SCMXPRT-003). The SCMXPRE series is identical to its SCMXPRT counterpart, but is configured for European voltage standards. The SCMXPRT-001/SCMXPRE-001 both have the option for DIN rail mounting as well (SCMXPRT-001D/SCMXPRE-001D). Other power supplies that meet that power requirements of the SCM5B and 8B modules can be used as well, but it is strongly recommended to use a linear power supply rather than a switch-mode power supply. Switching power supplies can add noise artifacts to the output of your modules.
Is the SCMXPRT-003 DIN rail mountable?
The SCMXPRT-001 has an option for DIN rail mounting (part number: SCMXPRT-001D) but the SCMXPRT-003 does not. Instead, it can be mounted on the SCMXRK-002 which is a 19 inch metal rack for mounting the SCMXPRT-003 as well as various Dataforth backpanels and the SCMXIF interface board.
Analog Devices announced a last time buy and discontinuance of their signal conditioning modules. Can I replace them with Dataforth signal conditioning modules?
Yes, in general, Dataforth signal conditioning modules are a direct replacement for all Analog Devices signal conditioning modules. e.g. "SCM5B35-xx: Linearized 4-Wire RTD Input Modules" will replace Analog Devices "5B35: Isolated 4 Wire RTD Input Signal Conditioning Module". Please note that Dataforth signal conditioning modules are RoHS II compliant.
Can Dataforth provide calibration reports for modules I purchased?
Yes we can provide calibration reports for the modules that you purchased. You can either a) visit https://www.dataforth.com/TestDataReport.aspx to search for Test Report Datasheets by Serial Number or b) you can send us a list of model numbers and their serial numbers to support@dataforth.com

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